Welcome Room Representatives!

A huge thank you to all the Room Rep volunteers for signing up for a fun year of classroom party planning!  


Being a Room Representative is a fun way to get involved in your child’s classroom by working closely with teachers, parents, and the PTA on various projects. The responsibilities of a Room Representative include working with your child’s teacher to coordinate three classroom parties during the year and facilitating communication to other Liberty parents in the classroom.

As the Room Representative, you will help coordinate the classroom Holiday party in December, the Heart party in February, and the End-of-Year party in May. Room Representatives will also help celebrate and support our teachers and staff for birthday celebrations and Teacher Appreciation Week. In addition, all 4th-grade Room Representatives are responsible for helping to plan the 5th-grade promotion ceremony. 


This is a great opportunity for new parents to get involved in the school community! The more volunteers, the merrier - not only will this make your planning easier, but it's a great way to meet other parents and make new friends. This is sure to be a rewarding experience for you and your child(ren)! 

For more details, contact Dezaray Hammond dezaraythammond@gmail.com.


You must be a current member of Liberty PTA to serve as a room representative.


NOTE: Background Check Required to Volunteer
LISD board policy requires each volunteer to undergo a background check before working with students. You will need to complete the background check and create an account in VOLY, the volunteer management system, before volunteering on any LISD campus: lewisvilleisd.voly.org

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